The preliminary Dr.One Concept of Operations (abbreviated ConOps) provides a detailed description of the Dr.One concept within the Community Based Health Care System of Ghana. It describes the characteristics of the Dr.One concept from the viewpoint of the groups of people who will use and work with the system. The preliminary ConOps is used to communicate the quantitative and qualitative system characteristics to all stakeholders.
The ConOps contains a description of the current medical supply chain system, an analysis of Dr.One summarizing the advantages and disadvantages or limitations, and alternatives and trade-offs. Amongst others, the Concept for Dr.One operations is described into detail, including the Strategic Business Units involved in Dr.One, the technical policies and constraints, the climatological challenges Dr.One faces and the context of the Ghana Health Services in which Dr.One is intended to operate.
The major components of Dr.One and their interactions are described, together with the interfaces to external systems. An illustrated example of how the concept will be operated in daily life is provided. The technical policies and constraints and the challenges that Dr.One faces are described.